Manufacturing of Gajjak moongfalipatti or chikki

                                               Manufacturing of Gajjak moongfalipatti or chikki
chikki recipe

Ingredient:-Chaku Gur,Ghee or refined oil,Peanut split,Citric acid,Meetha soda,Elaichi powder,Glucose liquid.

Equipment:-Bhathi ,Bardana,palta,cutter,belan,tray,knife etc


  • first of all we make sugar and gur pest 5:10 ratio (5 gur and 10 sugar)
    chaku gur
  • so we take sugar and gur and water in a kettle and boil  20 to 30 minute.
    sugar and gur syrup
  • when pest is ready and mixed sugar and gur properly
  • Now we take 1 kg pest syrup in a pan and boil it on medium temperature
  • Then mix 25gm ghee or refined oil in boiled syrup
    refined oil or ghee
  • Then add 50g glucose liquid and boil properly
    glucose liquid
  • Then mix 2 g citric acid and meetha soda
  • Now mix and boil properly 
  • After 8 to 10 minutes when syrup ready and look dark reddish color then check and remove from bhathi
  • Add 5g Elaichi powder and mix

  • Add 1.2 kg roasted peanut split in syrup(chasani) and mix properly
  • put on the chikki tray
  • Now sheeting all chikki product with the help of belan
  • Then cutting with the help of cutter
  • Cooling
  • Peaces weight & packing

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