How to make kaju chabri | Manufacturing of kaju chabri

                                    Manufacturing of kaju chabri

Kaju chabri is very special Indian sweet dish it is attractive look with its color shape and size,which is made kaju pinda base and chabri stuffing
Its test is totally different from other indian sweets so I hope you should try at once time.

Ingredients:- Kaju,sugar,gulkand,khus khus,pan chatani, pan masala, pista slice, silver leaves etc.

Equipment:-Kettle, musta machine,bardana,grinder etc.

Procedure:- First off all we prepare chabri stuffing which is fill in kaju chabri so we take following ingredient in given ratio and mix it properly
For making 750gm chabri stuffing we need
Gulkand-1 kg
Khus Khus-25gm
Pan chatni-10 gm
Pan masala-5gm
Pista slice-25 gm
Now we take kaju base or pinda , manufacturing of kaju pinda I already discussed in my Pervious post
Make a small pieces 25 gm and given ball shape
Now it have given shape like bucket which have hole
Then coating with silver leaves
Now fill the chabri stuffing in between bucket like kaju base
Now garnishing with pista slice and it is ready to searve or packaging
Self life-7 days at room temperature 15 days at frozen condition

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