Manufacturing of kaju jalebi | How to make kaju jalebi

                        Manufacturing of kaju jalebi

Kaju jalebi is a one of very attractive kaju fancy item which have inside pista stuffing it is round like jalebi and making from kaju so it is called kaju jalebi it have garnishing with kesar and pista slice

Ingredients:-Kaju,sugar,pista small,silver leaves,kesar,pista slice etc

Manufacturing of kaju jalebi | How to make kaju jalebi
 First of all we prepared pista stuffing which is fill inside of kaju jalebi
 so we take pista small and boil it properly then it have to remove its peel on upper surface of pista
after that it have to grind small and fine particles ,then we prepared sugar syrup and make pista lauge
after manufacturing of pista lauge we take kaju pinda and mix pista lauge properly
Now it is ready to pista stuffing.

Manufacturing of kaju jalebi | How to make kaju jalebi
Now we take kaju pida and make small size
Then it have fill pista stuffing and make round shape
Now it have to make cylindrical shape and made form like jalebi shape
Now it have to coating with silver leaves and decoration with pista and kesar color

Manufacturing of kaju jalebi | How to make kaju jalebi 
Now it is ready to surve and packaging

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