Mewa bite | How to make bit |Recipe of mewa bite


    Mewa Bite

Bite is one of famous north India sweet dish which have normally made from kaju pest base ,sugar syrup and dry fruit kaju ,pist & almond it is very delicious test.

                         Type of Bite
According to manufacturing  and ingredient we have categorized 4 type
1.    Chocolate bite
2.    Orange bite
3.    Rose bite
4.    Badam bite

                           How to make bite and Recipe of mewa bite

Chocolate Bite:-
In chocolate bite use chocolate dark in kaju pest and make chocolate colour and flavor there have some required ingredient which is use for manufacturing of chocolate bite.(Yield-10Kg)

Ingredient :- 
Kaju tukda-4.2 kg
Glucose liquid-300gm
Chocolate dark-500gm
Badam almond cutting 1/8-1.1kg

Equipment:-Grinder,Kadahi,Bhathi,Patta,Knife,Fanti etc.
First of all we take kaju tukada 4 piece and roast for 10 minutes
 -When kaju is roast then it have to grind with the help of grinder and make kaju pest.
-When kaju pest is ready then it have to fry and roast with ghee and make slurry type pest like better after 10 to 15 minutes frying
-Now kaju pest base is ready add chocolate dark compound in kaju pest base and mix properly
-Then add dry fruit kaju and almond cutting in pest and mix again

-Same time we prepared sugar syrup in another bhathi with the mixture of sugar ,water, and liquid glucose 7 to 10 minutes    syrup making time on bhathi with 120 to 150°c
-when syrup is ready and obtained proper colour and stickyness then it have to put on patta karahi kept hold 1 minutes for cooling purpose

-when it will make to semisolid form then it have to mixed kaju choco pest base and mix again properly and make fiber like structure .

- Now it have to put on patta and thin sheet 1 inch with the help of belan
-After that it have to cut squire shape with the help of big and small knife and hammer

-When bite cut properly squire shape then it have to put on butter paper for purpose of excess ghee absorption
-Not mew bite kept at room temperature for 2 to 3 hours and when excess ghee remove through butter paper it will wrapped mewa bite golden paper.
Mewa bite | How to make bit |Recipe of mewa bite|wrapper|golden paper
-Now mewa bite is ready to serve and packaging.
Orange Bite:-
Orange bite is same like shape and size to chocolate bite only there have change its color and flavor.for manufacturing of orange bite there have some required ingredients for 10 kg mewa bite.

Kaju tukda -5.2 kg
Pista small-325gm
Glucose liquid-300gm
Flavor orange oil Me3654-7ml
Colour sunset yellow -0.0003kg
All the process are same like chocolate bite only colour and flavor are mixed in kaju pest and replace with chocolate dark compound from bite pest
Rose Bite:-
Rose bite is very attractive color and its flavor is also good its shape ,size weight is same like chocolate bite only flavor and colour additional and remove chocolate dark compound from kaju pest.there habe some important ingredient which is used in rose bite.

Kaju tukada-4.2kg
Pista small-325gm
Glucose liquid-300gm
Flavor rose No1-2gm
Almond badam cutting 1/8-1kg
Colour allura red No.40(fd&c)-0.0003kg

All the process of manufacturing of Rose bite are same like chocolate bite

Only chocolate dark replace with colour and flavor which will mixed with kaju pest.

Badam Bite:-
Badam bite is also one a type of  mewa bite category there have not use any additional colour of flavor it is only made from kaju pest with mixed other required ingredients like.

Pista small-300gm
Kaju tukada-4.2kg
Glucose liquid -300gm
Chocolate white-500gm
Badam almond cutting 1/8-800gm

Manufacturing of bite badam is also same like chocolate bite its process is totally same but only one different have there chocolate white use for mixing in kaju pest and dark chocolate not use.

Note:-Self life of mewa bite -3 month
Moisture content -3%
Weight -20-23gm
Cooking temp-130 to 150 °c


  1. Quantity of Water for sugar syrup?
    And sugar syrup should cook till how many strings??

  2. I've always loved mewa bites, they sound delicious.


