Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia



Gujia is one of famous Indian traditional sweet dish which is made from maida and and khoya dry fruits stuffing , its upper layer is made from maida and inside dry fruits stuffing which is soaked in sugar is generally consumed in all festival by Indian people.
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia

 In this post we will discuses how to make different type of gujia and its recipe with step by step picture. 

Type of Gujia

Khoya  Gujia
Khoya kesar Gujia
Khar ki  Gujia
Suji Gujia
Gujia lounglatta
Gujia Phoolkali
Gujia Chandrakala
Gujia Cranberry
Gujia Thandai
Gujia Chocolate
Gujia Gulkand
Gujia mango
Gujia Samosa

                                                  How to make Khoya  Gujia
Procedure of all gujia manufacturing is 90% same as to other gujiya  only change its ingredient recipe,so for 10 kg khoya gujia 

Ingredients:-  Maida- 5kg
                      Gujab jal-20 gm
                      Ghee-2.5 kg
                      Gluten-30 gm
                      Water-2 kg
                      For Gujia masala 3 kg-   Elaichi powder-10 gm
                                                              Karara -200gm
                                                              Misri dana-100 gm
                                                              Pista small-100 gm
                                                              Sugar-200 gm
                                                              Gulab jal-50 gm
                                                              Coconut powder-300gm
                                                              Khoya-2 kg
                                                              Pottasium sorbate- 1 gm
                                                              Badam cutting 1/8- 200 gm
                                                              Kaju 8 pc- 200 gm
Step1. -First of all we make gujia masala so take khoya and roast properly in kettle 20 -25 mint
Spep2.-Now roasted khoya Put on parat and cool it properly 
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia
Step3.-After cooling khoya it have to cutting and choping with chopper machine 
Step4.-Now add all Dry fruits and remaining ingredients and mix it properly then gujia masala ready to use
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia

Step5.- Same side we prepared maida dough so take maida and mix water and ghee properly
Step6.-After mixing dough have hold to kept 10 minutes for softness
Step7.-Now dough have to make small pieces 20-22 gm
Step8.-Small pieces have also kept and hold 5-7 minutes softness
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia

Step9.-Now ball pieces make small round sheet 3.75 inches diameter  with the help of belan
Step10.-Then take Gujia Masala 10-12 gm and put between the round sheet and make gujia like structure with soft hand with the help of gulab jal (we can use gujia frame for manufacturing of gujia structure.)
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia
Step11.-Now Fry gujia with the help of ghee 25-30 minute when gujia obtend light brown colour then it have to remove from kadahi and ghee.
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia

Step12.Same side we prepared sugar syrup 60-65 °brix with the help of  sugar(10kg) and water(4ltr)
Step13.-Now Fried gujia put in sugar syrup and soaked for 5 minutes 
Step14.-Then sweet gujia garnishing with pista and badam sliced on the top.
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia
 Now it is ready to serve or packaging
Note-For bulk production we can use double frying (Two time frying 1st for store long time and 2nd frying at the time of gujia sweet )  

                                                     How to make Khoya Kesar Gujia
Khoya kesar gujia procedure is same like khoya gujia , there have only different to add kesar colour in maida dough and sugar syrup.
Ingredients:-  Maida- 5kg
                      Gujab jal-20 gm
                      Ghee-2.5 kg
                      Gluten-30 gm
                      Water-2 kg
                      Colour kesari-3 mg
                      Colour Tartrazine-7 mg
                      For Gujia masala 3 kg-   Elaichi powder-10 gm
                                                              Karara -200gm
                                                              Keasr-1 gm
                                                              Misri dana-100 gm
                                                              Pista small-100 gm
                                                              Sugar-200 gm
                                                              Gulab jal-50 gm
                                                              Coconut powder-300gm
                                                              Khoya-2 kg
                                                              Pottasium sorbate- 1 gm
                                                              Badam cutting 1/8- 200 gm
                                                              Kaju 8 pc- 200 gm

                                              How to make Ghar ki gujia

Ghar ki gujia Procedure is same like Khoya gujia but there have some different in maida dough it have to mix sugar and some different in gujia masala.
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia

  Ingredients:- Maida- 5kg
                      Gujab jal-20 gm
                      Ghee-2.5 kg
                      Gluten-30 gm
                      Karara-200 gm
                      Water-2 kg 
                     For Gujia masala 3 kg-  Elaichi powder-10 gm
                                                              Karara -600gm
                                                              Khoya-2 kg
                                                              Badam cutting 1/8- 200 gm
                                                              Kaju 8 pc- 200 gm
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia

                                              How to make Suji gujia

Suji Gujia is also same procedure like khoya gujia but its masala  is different from khoya gujia there have suji replace to khoya in masala stuffing.  

                                                   How to make Gujia lounglatta
Same like khoya gujia only sape change and add loung
                      Maida- 5kg
                      Gujab jal-20 gm
                      Ghee-2.5 kg
                      Gluten-30 gm
                      Water-2 kg
                      Loung-150 gm
                      For Gujia masala 3 kg-   Elaichi powder-10 gm
                                                              Karara -200gm
                                                              Misri dana-100 gm
                                                              Pista small-100 gm
                                                              Sugar-200 gm
                                                              Gulab jal-50 gm
                                                              Coconut powder-300gm
                                                              Khoya-2 kg
                                                              Pottasium sorbate- 1 gm
                                                              Badam cutting 1/8- 200 gm
                                                              Kaju 8 pc- 200 gm

                                                    How to make Phoolkali gujia
Same procedure like khoya gujia only shape is change phoolkali
                                                 How to make Gujia Chandrakala
Gujia Recipe | How to make gujia |Different type of Gujia

Same procedure like khoya gujia only shape change like chandrakala
                                                   How to make Gujia Samosa
 Same procedure like khoya gujia only shape change like samosa
                                                    How to make Gujia Cranberry
Same procedure like khoya gujia but use cranberry pieces in gujia masala, its size is smaller than normal gujia. and on gujia upper surface garnishing with cranberry.
                                                     How to make Gujia Thandai
Same procedure like khoya gujia but use thandai flavor in gujia masala, its size is smaller than normal gujia.handai flavor also use in syrup.
                                                     How to make Gujia Gulkand
Same procedure like khoya gujia but use gulkand in gujia masala, its size is smaller than normal gujia.
                                                     How to make Gujia mango
This is very famous and attractive gujia have use mango flavor in sugar syrup and dry mango slice in gujia masala.same procedure like khoya gujia.

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