As summer temperatures rises, here are a number of important tips.
– Spice up your glass of water by adding a bit of fruit. Slices of lemon or lime are classic choices and can make your glass of water more refreshing. You can also think outside the box with slices of cucumber, mandarin orange, or grapefruit. A simple slice of fruit can improve the taste of your water, and may even add a bit of Vitamin C to your drink.
– Drink enough water to prevent thirst.
– Monitor fluid loss by checking the color of your urine. It should be pale yellow and not dark yellow, too smelly or cloudy.
– For short-duration (less than 60 minutes), low-to-moderate-intensity activity, water is a good choice to drink before, during and after exercise.
– Any time you exercise in extreme heat or for more than one hour, supplement water with a sports drink that contains electrolytes and 6 percent to 8 percent carbohydrates. This prevents "hyponatremia" (low blood sodium), which dilutes your blood and could also lead to serious impairment and death.
– Begin exercise well-hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids the day before and within the hour before, during and after your exercise session.
– Avoid alcohol the day before or the day of a long exercise bout, and avoid exercising with a hangover.
– Consider all fluids, including tea, coffee, juices, milk and soups (though excluding alcohol, which is extremely dehydrating). The amount of caffeine in tea and coffee does not discount the fluid in them, even if they have a slight diuretic effect, according to the most recent report by the National Research Council's Food and Nutrition Board.
– Eat at least five cups of fruits and vegetables per day for optimum health, as they all contain various levels of water and the all-important nutrient potassium.
-Spice up your glass of water by adding a bit of fruit. Slices of lemon or lime are classic choices and can make your glass of water more refreshing. You can also think outside the box with slices of cucumber, mandarin orange, or grapefruit. A simple slice of fruit can improve the taste of your water, and may even add a bit of Vitamin C to your drink.
To maintain cleanliness and hygiene we should first look for our environment and then go for yourself.
- Do not leave buckets of water or opened container with water in or near your home, as these places serve as perfect environment for breeding mosquitoes causing fatal diseases.
- Clean the ceiling and the walls to remove spider webs.
- Do not forget to clean the blades of the fans as well.
- Dusting the carpets before you place them on the floor is needed.
- Wash the sofa covers and the cushions at regular intervals, like you can change them monthly.
- Clean the dust coating from the appliances and the furniture.
- Sometimes, crumbs of food items can fall on the sofa or couch when you eat there. Make sure you clean them immediately.
- The rooms must have enough windows to make entry of sun rays. Sunlight can kill millions of germ particles.
- If you have fish bowl, then change the water on a regular interval.
- Vacuum clean, sweep, or mop the floors regularly, doing it each day is preferable.
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